Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Finished Shooting "Effigy"

I play a waiter who is a burn victim and has a run-in with a delusional woman who sees her dead child at my table.

Cast in Feature Film - Afternoon is Night

A Malibu-rich business man with a bushy beard visits the underbelly of LA for some wine and cheese.  Lives intersect and I get to drive a black Range Rover.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Shooting New Webseries

I play Detective Markowitz for a 70's police detective comedic webiseries.   Stay Tuned!!

Mello Yello Office Prank Commercial


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Shot Comedy Short

Had heart attack and seizure in a stairwell. Rolled down a hill in a Popular Family Park. Ate chips in my underwear.

Finished Internet Commercial for Mello Yellow

Had 9 pounds of Chinese Food dumped again and again on my head. Will not be eating Lo Mein for a while.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oedipus at the XRT

I will be playing Creon......coming this FALL at the X!