Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama's Leadership

I am starting to realize that Obama is having a hard time with Democratic support by way of his mouthpieces. He is moving so hard and so fast that his "riding team" is being left behind. I compare it to Lance Armstrong in the Tour De France wear his strategy almost doesn't include his support. His objective is so solely set on winning that it leaves his own support (his riding team) behind. All his loyal supporters seem to be straining to explain his agenda/plan in the face of ridiculous Republican spin via the American airwaves on radio, blogs, and political TV. Its almost as if his team WANTS to be able to clearly understand and explain his message but can't. The president's term is a marathon, where help will be needed along the way to bridge the gaps between policy and message in order to strengthen the support by the masses when needed. I worry that his ambitions will overextend himself.

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